Monday, 16 January 2012

A tribute to Zoey


It’s been a while since my first blog post…been just a massively busy time for me of late but in 2012, I aim to update the blog with much more regularity!

Been a busy time as I say, with lots of clients, both of the furry and the non-furry variety, teaching classes and workshops, getting my Hypnotherapy clinic up and running and generally living and breathing my job…which is no bad thing, as I adore it.

I want to dedicate this particular blog post however to one very special little lady. Beautiful Zoey and her lovely owner, Sarah Robinson.

I first heard from Sarah in August 2011 and I am sure she won’t mind me sharing the email she sent to me here:-

Hi Amy,
Could you help me? I have just heard my beloved dog Zoey- a 9 year old rough collie has been diagnosed with an aggressive gastric tumour and she hasn't very long. I am devastated and want to do all I can for her. She doesn't seem to be in pain as yet, however is suffering with vomiting and anxiety. She is on some oral medication which is helping, but I just want her symptoms to improve and her to be able to eat, she is so hungry and keeps looking for food. If you could do anything to help I would be eternally grateful, I just want her happy for the time she has left with me. Thank you Sarah

Obviously Sarah was devastated at this time, as where the whole family as Zoey was a huge part of the family for them – any of us who have kept animals can understand the pit of your feeling stomach feeling when you think you are about to lose what is without a doubt, a real member of your family.

Obviously, due to Zoey’s age, the aggressive nature of the illness and the prognosis from the vet being that she had only a matter of weeks to live, it looked quite bleak and all I could assure Sarah was that I would do all I could with the Reiki and holistic therapies, to ease any stress and anxiety, to hopefully provide some pain relief, and when the time came, to make for an easy, peaceful transition.

On my first visit to Zoey I was a little overwhelmed…I don’t think I have ever been to such an animal friendly, loving, welcoming, NOISY environment!!!

You have Molly, the family parrot, screeching her hello, Harry the collie dog barking as though he is king of the world, Chance, the staffy, who Sarah rescued from an animal sanctuary after he was found beaten by a gang with horrific knife wounds, Oliver and Isabella, Sarah’s beautiful children, running around, Auntie Lil, who helps with the pet care and everything else and then a little face, peeping around the door, quietest of all….little Zoey.

Zoey is a timid dog and Sarah warned me she might be reluctant to be handled etc….am used to working to adapt to animals, in fact I once had a give Reiki to a cat whilst it sat in wardrobe! (Cats like to receive Reiki on their own terms!!)

We decided to go outside…to Zoey’s own little place in the garden and after about five minutes, Zoey curled up at my feet, accepting the Reiki healing and put her beautiful little face on my lap.
I looked over at Sarah who had tears streaming down her face. She said it was amazing for Zoey to be so at ease and comfortable with a stranger. I felt so honoured that I had been allowed into her personal space, as I so often do feel when working with animals.

I finished the healing and Sarah asked if I’d mind trying a bit with Harry, as he had just also had treatment for a leg injury, and was feeling pretty grumpy! Harry is another story and what a character but he soaked up his healing and think he would have Reiki all day every day if he could!

I recommended a few other natural remedies to Sarah to help, for example, caffeine free, cold green tea in Zoey’s water, to keep her immune system strong, essence of Rose Quartz to help to ease anxiety and a homeopathic remedy: Nux Vom to try to combat Zoey’s vomiting.
I also suggested Sarah might try taking Bach flower remedy of Red Chesnut, to help her to stay calm and finally, if the time came that Zoey was unable to get out of bed or had to be put to sleep, to burn Lavender oil to reduce stress and to promote a calming atmosphere.

Sarah messaged me a few days later…”Hi Amy…can’t believe the difference in both Zoey and Harry. Zoey’s nose is black and moist, her eyes are bright and she wanted breakfast this morning for the first time in ages. Harry is so chilled too. Sarah”

Obviously I was over the moon and still just hoping that if Zoey only had a few weeks to live, that we could just help to make them as comfortable as possible.

I continued to see Zoey every few weeks and though the vomiting proved hard to control completely, she perked up so much and throughout remained so calm and well mannered.

Sarah’s interest in Reiki has grown since I have met her and she has now attended a number of my workshops and study courses and is now a fully qualified Reiki therapist and Animal Healer herself! She has given Zoey lots of gorgeous healing and has told me she has felt the bond between her and Zoey become stronger than ever. I am so unbelievably proud of her…Sarah is a beautiful healer and she herself, and her lovely family, have done the most important job of all for Zoey.

I saw Sarah just before New Year and she said she just couldn’t believe that it was almost 6 months since she had messaged me to ask if I could help with her beloved dog, who had only days or weeks to live!

Then last week I got that awful text I had been dreading to say that Sarah thought it was time and sadly, sweet, beautiful little Zoey passed away last week. Sarah said it was 100% peaceful and there was no stress or anxiety for Zoey, which is the most important thing.

I know that the whole family are completely devastated and that the house will be a lonelier place now, even with the noise of Molly’s squealing and Chance upstairs, tearing up yet another duvet in excitement!
But brave Zoey defied all the odds and lived much longer than Sarah had thought – in no pain or suffering, leaving a whole host of gorgeous memories for her lovely family.

I think Sarah and I will be friends for life, I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to help and this is my tribute to a truly amazing little dog.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. "
(Anatole France)

Rest in Peace Zoey xxx



  1. You made me cry :'-(

    RIP Zoey x

  2. Great blog! i like this blog. Some times animals have an important role in the family.

    Animal Whisperer | Pet Whisperer
